
    º¬Ðß²ÝÓ°Ôº CTE Career Pathway Programs

    All career and technical education career pathway programs are designed to take learning beyond the classroom, teaching students the theory, then bringing them out to the lab, workshop or worksite to apply that knowledge to real-world applications. The 16 NTC career pathway programs are academically challenging, aligned with real workforce needs, and designed to promote creativity, leadership and lifelong learning skills. 

    These multi-semester CTE programs are developed in partnership with regional employers, trade organizations and postsecondary institutions to keep them fresh, relevant and up-to-date. Students can explore a number of career fields, including:

    • Trades ( Auto, Advanced Manufacturing, Construction, Electrical Technology and HVACR)
    • Creative (Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Video Production & Broadcasting)
    • Healthcare and Education (Health Science, Biotechnology & Biomedical Science, Careers in Education)
    • Design (Design and Visual Communication, CADD, Engineering Pathways)
    • Professional Services (Business [accounting, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, etc.], Computer Networking & Cybersecurity)